We, ladies also like our musicals, so we decided, every now and then, we'd take over the big TV after work, switch on a musical and stitch away at our projects for the evening with some giggles, cake and the occasional wine.
There's been alot of yarnbombing around this summer and it gave us a taste for what a little bit of Flash Decor can do. Then one week we came up with idea of doing a bit of craft bombing after hours in the office.
Of course the optimum place to decorate would have to be the one place we are never allowed into...the boys loo.
We had card bunting with life affirming catch-phrases, leopard print toilet roll covers, flowers and hearts everywhere, a rather fetching woollen urinal pipe cover+ guest and posters of Justin Bieber.
Yeah maybe we went a bit too far on that last one.
The reactions the next day were priceless, from fury and disbelief to cackles of laughter and jolly smiles. Some of the boys plotted revenge whilst others appreciated the supportive quotes, no one liked the Bieber and the bosses took photos of our masterpiece.It was a rollercoaster of reactions.
All in all it was worth it, and it cheered up an otherwise average week.
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