Thursday, 22 December 2011

Me and My Comic Books

I have a life long love of comics. I grew up with Pogo Possum, Tintin, Asterix, Wizard of Id, Garfield, Family Circle, The Perishers, Beano, Dandy, Beezer and that's just to name a few.
In my teens I devoured 2000AD annuals and Neil Gaiman's Sandman.
Around 17 I ventured into my first comic shop alone and ignoring the sweaty stares of fanboys,  I brought my first grown up comic, which was The Furry Freak Brothers, this was my failsafe to avoid the uncomfortable looks girls get in comic shops. I would browse then as soon as I felt creept out I would grab the next FFB and get the hell out of there.
My collection has grown much since then, as I mainly collected graphic novels, I have boxes and boxes of books, love them.
Now I work 2mins from GOSH (the best comic store in London, if not the world) and 10mins from Forbidden Planet, yep I'm screwed. I shall live in a house made of comic books.
Here are my latest acquisitions:
My Fav was Hildafolk, a surprise buy and a pleasant one at that.
Though, in truth, all of these are stella and recommended...

Heartbreak Soup-Pressy from Big Griz, one of the legendary Love and Rockets range, a must read for any comic buff.
Tales from Outer Suburbia- Shaun Tan is magical and this is atmospheric magic captured on paper.
Burma Chronicles- I read another one of his books and find them compelling mundane reads.
Habibi- OMWord! Mega, Humongous, phenomenal, breath-taking, the dreams I had after reading this were warp and epic. I am a longtime fan of Craig Thompson, his Goodbye Chunky Rice was one of my first indie/alt comics.
Flight 7- and yes I have the previous 6. always a pleasure.
Hildafolk-magic fun, lively, gentle, silly, mesmerizing. My friend at work kept saying Nobrow to me, important publishers I guess, so when I saw this I snapped it up.
Blacksad-An Emi reccomendation of epicness, film-noir cat detective, better than I have described it.
Bone- Borrowed from the library years back and vowed to buy my own copy. Pogo Possum meets LOTR.
Copper- a real pleasure and I truly identify with Fred the dog. Came from the pages of Flight.